Tagged with: Tom Jenkins

February 9, 2023
PulsePoint: Accessing the Closest Help to Treat Cardiac Arrests
By James Careless, All Things FirstNet
Every day in the United States, about 1,000 people suffer cardiac arrests. Every minute that passes between a cardiac arrest and the administration of aid decreases their chance of survival by 10%. Clearly, the sooner that medical assistance arrives, the better.
Speeding the arrival of help is the goal of the PulsePoint Foundation (PulsePoint), a 501(c)(3) public nonprofit organization. Mindful that even the fastest-dispatched EMS and fire agencies can take precious minutes to arrive, PulsePoint recruits CPR-trained volunteers to step in when they are closer to the scene. This is possible due to these volunteers running the free PulsePoint Respond app on their smartphones (available in Android and Apple iOS), and living in jurisdictions whose local 911 centers have registered to forward cardiac-related calls to PulsePoint as the calls come in.
Filed Under: News, Highlights | Tagged With: All Things FirstNet, FirstNet, Western Fire Chiefs Association, WFCA, PulsePoint Respond, David Pendergrass, Michael Garrison, James Careless, Steve Lopez, Tom Jenkins, International Association of Fire Chiefs, IAFC, cardiac arrest, CPR, AED, AED Registry

October 16, 2020
iChiefs Podcast: A lifesaving app
IAFC Past President and Fire Chief Tom Jenkins, and ESCI President Sheldon Gilbert, interview PulsePoint Founder and President Richard Price to discuss the history, success and direction of PulsePoint. This is a good top to bottom review of the PulsePoint apps and solutions along with insight into what's coming next. If you're seeking new ways to inform and engage your community or just wanting to make a difference within your organization this podcast is for you.
Filed Under: Event, Highlights | Tagged With: IAFC, Tom Jenkins, Sheldon Gilbert, ESCI, Podcast, iChiefs

September 20, 2018
PulsePoint Welcomes Thomas C. Jenkins to Advisory Board
Filed Under: Press Release, Highlights, News | Tagged With: Tom Jenkins, Advisory Board, IAFC, Jack Parow, Rogers, Thomas Jenkins