Tagged with: Philips Healthcare

November 3, 2020
Verified Responder Summit Series: Best Practices
Collaborate with Verified Responders and Verified Responder Agencies to create a Best Practices guide for the program as well as brainstorming future program directions aimed at improving cardiac arrest survival.
Collaborate with Verified Responders and Verified Responder Agencies to create a Best Practices guide for the program as well as brainstorming future program directions aimed at improving cardiac arrest survival.
PulsePoint Verified Responders and Verified Responder administrators are invited to join the Research Group from Seattle and King County Emergency Medical Services on Thursday, November 5th, 2020 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern as they join PulsePoint Verified Responder agencies across the United States, PulsePoint and Philips in an effort to develop Verified Responder key learnings and best practices.
Topics include implementation, recruitment, retention, and technical program aspects in an effort to learn from the diverse participating agencies and translate those learnings into improvements of the Verified Responder Program in your community and communities across North America.
Filed Under: Event, | Tagged With: Verified Responder, City of Seattle, King County Emergency Medical Services, King County EMS, Philips, Philips Healthcare, Jennifer Blackwood, Thomas Rea

September 26, 2017
Off-Duty Firefighters Partner with National Pilot Program to Save Lives

September 6, 2017
Off-Duty Professional Firefighters Partner with National Pilot Program to Save Lives
Filed Under: Event, Highlights, News, Press Release | Tagged With: Brian Schaeffer, Bryan Collins, IAFF, International Association of Firefighters, King County Emergency Medical Services, Local 29, Local 3701, Philips Healthcare, Pilot, Spokane, Spokane Fire Department, Spokane Valley Fire Department, Verified Responder

June 8, 2017
New Program Combines Off-Duty Professional Firefighters, Technology, and Defibrillators to help Save Lives
Filed Under: Press Release, Highlights, News | Tagged With: AED, IAFF, International Association of Firefighters, Local 814, King County Emergency Medical Services, Philips Healthcare, Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, Verified Responder

February 14, 2017
Pilot Program Leverages Off-Duty Professional Firefighters, Technology and Defibrillators to Save Lives
Filed Under: Press Release, Highlights, News | Tagged With: IAFF, International Association of Firefighters, King County, King County EMS, Local 1660, Mickey Eisenberg, Mike Duyck, Mohamud Daya, Philips Healthcare, Tom Rea, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, TVF&R, Verified Responder