Tagged with: Defibrillator

November 14, 2024
Forsyth County Emergency Services Wins 2024 PulsePoint AED Contest
Forsyth County Emergency Services receives five ZOLL® AED 3 Defibrillators to place in the community.
Forsyth County Emergency Services, in North Carolina, has won the 2024 PulsePoint AED Contest, winning five ZOLL® AED 3 Defibrillators for their community. The contest took place during the month of October, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, and was eligible to any community using PulsePoint AED to locate and register AEDs. Forsyth County Emergency Services collectively registered a record number of AEDs, 555, at locations throughout the county including schools, government buildings, local businesses and gyms. The newly registered AEDs are part of the free and universally accessible National Emergency AED Registry, hosted by PulsePoint.

November 27, 2023
911-initiated AED Response: Would you be willing to bring your AED to someone nearby experiencing a cardiac arrest?
While AED registries have traditionally been used to meet regulatory requirements, the growing use of dispatch-accessible, time-of-need emergency AED registries offers meaningful new opportunities to increase the use of these lifesaving devices. In addition to telecommunicator initiatives, communities are going further by using their registries to alert AED owners and program volunteers to nearby cardiac arrest events.
Filed Under: News, Event, Highlights | Tagged With: AED, 911-initiated AED, AED Alert, AED Response, AED Registry, AED Locator, AED Locations, AED Awareness, AED Registration, AED Registry for dispatchers, 911 AED, 911 AED Registry, EMD AED Registry, Emergency AED Registry, American Heart Association, AED Use, Heartrunner, GoodSam, cardiac arrest, Chain of survival, T-CPR, T-AED, EMD, Emergency Medical Dispatcher, Defibrillator Registry, Defibrillator, Integrated AED Locations, Pre-arrival Instructions, Emergency Telecommunicators, Emergency Dispatchers, CPR instructions, Recommending nearby AEDs, The Villages, Sumter County, AED Subscription, Stephen Kennedy, Residential AED, CARES, CARES Registry, Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival, Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit, Community AED Volunteer, AED Responder