Incident Admin Role

An Incident Admin is provided pro level desktop/tablet access to the Respond incident feed for the purpose of managing and annotating individual incidents. Common responsibilities include:

  • adding information and images to an ongoing incident for public dissemination
  • closing an active incident, or removing an incident from display

From within PulsePoint Central, the required Incident Admin user permission is granted in Agency Admin > User Management.

Related Webinar: Putting Incident Admin to work in your organization (Recording)

Incident View

To manage individual incidents, an Incident Admin is provided an unrestricted (pro level) incident feed for the agency. 

Click or tap the feed summary or map pin to view complete incident details.

In multi-agency jurisdictions, the Incident Admin can view incidents for all agencies by selecting the PSAP view. In this view, unrestricted data is only displayed for agencies where the user has been assigned the Incident Admin user permission.

By default, the production environment is displayed. Alternatively, the sandbox environment may be selected for implementing agencies or for testing purposes.

Incident visibility

An Incident Admin can manually close an active incident and move it to the recent list. This may be needed if an incident does not receive a Closed timestamp as expected due to an interface issue or other outage. If not manually closed, an orphaned incident of this nature will be closed automatically 24 hours after its last update.

An Incident Admin can also remove an incident from display in the public version of the PulsePoint Respond app. This might be desired for an incident of a sensitive nature not anticipated by other app safeguards. An incident can also be deleted entirely, removing it from display in the professional version of the app as well.

Incident Posts

Incident posts are supplemental messages, images, and links to external content to provide ongoing information and context to an incident. Posts are entered in PulsePoint Central and publicly disseminated via the PulsePoint Respond app. Posts appear similar to a social media feed but do not offer user reactions like Replies and Likes.

From an incident detail page, add posts using the + New Post button. A post can include text, hyperlinks and photos. Posts can be edited using the pencil icon, or removed with the delete icon. The presence of a post is highlighted in the incident list with an icon and post count.

Only agency personnel with the Incident Admin user permission can create and manage Incident Posts. PulsePoint may also post for large-scale events (e.g., incident name, links to related resources).